Website maintenance

Regular maintenance and updates of your website are an important aspect of website ownership. If your website remains unchanged for long periods, you will lose repeat visitors and your search rankings can suffer. Even worse, you can miss out on important new technology in what is a rapidly-changing industry.

Silicon Dream offers exceptional maintenance, support and pro-active advice for our clients - always here when you need us, for 18 years and counting!

Reliable and timely - support you can rely on

We guarantee all updates within 2 working days, with the vast majority effected the same day! Our custom-built Maintenance Tracking System keeps track of the total time you've used each month, with a breakdown of each job and the time taken.

Full transparency

Detailed reports of how your maintenance time is being used are always available upon request.

How to make the most of your Maintenance time

Time is money - so the more efficient the process, the better for everyone. We are committed to maintaining your website as cost-effectively as possible - so here are some tips for making the most of your budget ...

  • Send updates by email
    This is far more efficient than calling us and dictating over the phone! It also creates a written record of what you've asked for that can be forwarded on to other members of our team if need be, and we archive all correspondence should it need to be referred back to later.
  • Combine multiple updates in one
    There is a time overhead involved with every piece of work that gets done on your website, which includes locating required materials, copying updates onto your website, and testing.  As such, our minimum chargeable period is 15 mins. You can reduce this overhead by combining updates wherever possible. What saves us time, saves you money!
  • Be clear about what you want updated
    When asking for something to be updated, cut and paste the webpage address at the top of your email. We look after many websites, and we can't always know which of your web-pages you're talking about!
  • Plan ahead
    We pride ourselves on our responsiveness, but it's not always possible to attend to your request immediately (although we often will do just that, we do have other clients as well). Plan your updates in advance wherever possible, and things run smoothly for everyone. Just 24 hours lead time is usually more than enough.
Pro-active Website Monitoring

To better look after our customer's websites, we developed ErrorSuite - our custom Error Tracking software available only to our clients. This allows us to track and respond to website issues in real time, often before your customers have even noticed. This system allows us to pro-actively diagnose and fix hidden issues that many websites have no idea even exist - before they become a problem!

Please Contact us if you need a reliable and effective partner to support your website.

How can we help?
Talk directly to our experienced development team for obligation-free advice on your project. No call centre, no hold times - just skilled web professionals ready to help!
Ph: (09) 520-3040 or email us here
What our clients say

"Quite frankly you out did yourself, I have found that site to be the most stylish, functional and easy to use e-commerce website I have ever come across."

- Customer Email after visiting the Computer Lounge website

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