Who needs scripted advertising campaigns when real unsolicited feedback tells the story so much better? We pride ourselves on being responsive, reliable, professional and creative ... something that our customers explain far better than us.
Thank you for always being with us on this! You are a superstar. Really helping us through this and I am forever grateful for your help!!!!
"This is a very tight well-made website that is a resource on what you have on offer. Pass on my congratulations to those who built it. Their SEO has meant that the Google WebCrawlers have already placed it high."
The seal of approval above expresses well my own gratitude for the site. Thank you so much for ‘getting it’. I know it took me many years to get to this point - it was worth the wait.
You've done a brilliant job, thanks.
The site looks amazing - really pleased with it. Thank you to you and the web development team for pulling out all the stops to make it happen so quickly and easily ... (or so it seemed from our end!)
"Wow! Service is outstanding, as usual."
Can you pass on to your team a big THANK YOU for being an indispensable part of our business! Being a click away is ever so handy, and every task I request, no matter how little, is treated so professionally, and is speedily done! Exceeding expectations in every contact ... your web designing team is a pleasure to do business with!
We are extremely happy with how things have progressed. You are not short of professionalism and your team has been outstanding! We are looking forward to many years of development to come.
It's not what I had in mind, but I do think it looks better than what I had in mind, and you can only imagine how great what I had in mind was... If you know what I mean. It looks great!!!!!
".. Thank you for your patience and work on this project, the client & I have been very impressed with the level of service we have received from yourself, Mark & Silicon Dream as a whole."
"We are very pleased with the website, and most impressed by you and your team's efficiency and professionalism. A big thank you to you all!"
I just wanted to touch base with you to thank you very much for the work you did for us for the boat show. The flag and sign looked fantastic displayed on Vanquish. Our brochure and leaflet were just what we wanted. It was a successful show, comments were positive and we hope that work may be in the ‘pipeline’. It’s been great working with you and I look forward to working with you in the future.
".. a US$8,888.00 LIVE donation went through the system last night. That's enough to buy 296 eye operations - you have GOT to feel good about being part of that - 296 people who will be able to see now because of what we are doing........yeahhhhhhhhh"
"Thank you and your team effort in developing our website. We really appreciate all your hard work to achieve the best possible outcome. The website looks great! We all love it."
"You have all done a great job - its wonderful to now have it live! Thanks again - we are all thrilled with the site!"
"Again, always on the ball and delivers as promised. A TRUE PROFESSIONAL!!! You are a God send!"
"Big thank you for getting all the changes onto the site in the wee small hours. Its all gone very smoothly….its great to have people who are dependable!"
"I just wanted to let you know how much of a pleasure it was visiting your site... I have been pricing up PC's and been on many sites - none have been as easy to understand and get around as yours. Complements to your design team for a very well thought out user friendly, uncluttered site."
"Quite frankly you out did yourself, I have found that site to be the most stylish, functional and easy to use e-commerce website I have ever come across."
"Once again you have been awesome and I have to pay you a compliment here as your company has been the easiest to deal with in all the years I have been doing this work."
"I want to lean down the phone and kiss you!"
"We are all very impressed with the latest changes you have made, the website looks good, and I am getting some great feedback! Keep up the good work!"
"Can you pass on to your team a big THANK YOU for being an indispensable part of our business! Being a click away is ever so handy, and every task I request, no matter how little, is treated so professionally, and is speedily done! Exceeding expectations in every contact ... your team is a pleasure to do business with!!"
- N.Milne / NZ Dental